Welcome to magicalkey.com
Kids and Teens, People and Society, Holidays and Special Days, Christmas - Santa's Magical Key. Allows kids to write their wishes to Santa and get a letter back.
NorthPoleVillage.com - Home of Santa Claus
Kids and Teens, People and Society, Holidays and Special Days, Christmas - NorthPoleVillage. See Santa getting ready for his Christmas Eve ride.
The North Pole Times
Kids and Teens, People and Society, Holidays and Special Days, Christmas - The North Pole Times. Santa's daily newspaper includes stories, games, Christmas news and a link to e-mail Santa.
The Annual NORAD Tracks Santa Claus Website
Kids and Teens, People and Society, Holidays and Special Days, Christmas - The Annual NORAD Tracks Santa Claus Website. Learn about NORAD and how they track Santa, as well as Santa's Secrets.
Santaville - letters from Santa
Kids and Teens, People and Society, Holidays and Special Days, Christmas - Santaville. Write a letter to Santa, and he will write back to you.
Custom Path, Shutterfly
Create a custom photo book for your wedding, baby shower, birthday or other special event at Shutterfly.com.