An HTML Tutorial
Kids and Teens, Computers, Web Page Design, HTML - An HTML Tutorial. A tutorial in web page design for computer-illiterate kids.
Barry's Clipart Server
Kids and Teens, Computers, Web Page Design, Graphics - Barry's Clipart Server. Free resource for all types of clip art categorized into numerous categories.
Internet safety & civility
Kids and Teens, Computers, Internet, Safety - SafeKids.Com. Rules, advice, and tips for online safety.
Kids and Teens, Computers, Internet, Safety - ThirdParent. PROTECTING CHILDREN.
TECHPLUGGED is a leading website on technology , social media,gadgets,tech news and reviews and technical how to’s. We are the team of young tech-enthusiast committed to create one platform for users where they can find every interesting news on Technology, Internet & Web,Social media,online deals and all the tech information that you need in a layman s language We cover almost all news from Microsoft Windows to Apple Mac to iPhone to Google Android Phones,startups reviewing new Internet products,providing analysis of trends, reviewing new websites and services, and offering social media resources and guides & about every ground breaking new technology. We have lots of tech articles ,knowledge resources ,tips tricks and almost everything on the web We provide tech news as it happens on the web.