The Dollar Stretcher
Money Saving Articles to Stretch Your Budget, Living Better for Less, Simple Living, Frugal Living.
Clip and Save
Home, Homemaking, Frugality, Coupons - Clip and Save. Offers tips and tricks, resources and trading.
Frugal-Families-For all things frugal
Home, Homemaking, Frugality - Frugal Families. Focuses on supporting the family unit thru simple, frugal living and homesteading.
Miserly Moms
Home, Homemaking, Frugality - Miserly Moms. Provides tools and information moms need to cut back working hours and spend time with family.
Better Times: the Webzine!
Home, Homemaking, Frugality - Better Times Webzine. Access to sustainable, simple, and frugal living.