Crashworthiness - Auto Defect and Recall Information
This Crashworthiness Resource has been created as a resource tool for consumers with the intentions of alerting and educating people of the numerous auto defects proliferated by major car manufacturers.
New & Used Cars for Sale
Search millions of new and used cars for sale and research your next car purchase.
UK Based Porsche Enthusiasts
Home, Consumer Information, Automobiles, Purchasing - UK Based Porsche Enthusiasts. Discussion forum, including cars for sale from official and independent dealers.
Lexus Owners Club - Lexus Club and Forum UK
Home, Consumer Information, Automobiles, Purchasing - Lexus Owners Club. Offers advice, events, forums and discounted servicing and insurance to members.
Jeep Forum - Jeep Enthusiast Network
Home, Consumer Information, Automobiles, Purchasing - Discussion forums for all models of Jeeps, potential owners can ask questions of current owners.