Anti-Cancer Vaccine for Different Tumors and Cancer Treatment
Health, Pharmacy, Drugs and Medications - Anti-Cancer Vaccine for Different Tumors and Cancer Treatment. Today, the anti-cancer vaccines are successfully used for the prophylaxis and treatment of malignant and benign tumors.
Thomas J. Moore: The Drug Safety Problem
Author Thomas J. Moore's web site provides facts about the safety of prescription drugs, dietary supplements, drugs for depression and other issues, as well as recent articles and information about his books.
Health, Pharmacy, Drugs and Medications - Safe Medication. Medication search engine, information on safety and useful content on how to take medicines most effectively.
Welcome to RxMed
Health, Pharmacy, Drugs and Medications - RXmed. Prescribing information for physicians, patient handouts on over 400 illnesses and health resource links.
Medication Wizard
Information about various forms of medication
This website is dedicated to providing objective information to help you and your doctor make informed, intelligent choices about medications and effective alternatives to enable you to maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks of treatment. Jay S. Cohen, M.D.