Health, Nutrition, Nutrients - Offers online nutrition tools that generate nutrition facts labels for any food or recipe.
The fats for foods consultant
Health, Nutrition, Nutrients - The fats for foods consultant. Help to define the best fat for your own food application.
International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders - International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders
Learn about iodine deficiency, a major cause of mental retardation worldwide...and how you can help bring this scourge under control though universal salt iodization. ICCIDD is the global non-profit, non-government organization that pioneered advocacy of the sustainable elimination of iodine deficiency and the promotion of optimal iodine nutrition worldwide.
Food Supplements: Their Effects on the Body
Information regarding the effects of nutritional supplements on the body. Organized by major categories 'Vitamins', 'Minerals', 'Amino Acids, Enzymes and Botanicals' with detailed listings and references for individual nutrients. This site is provided as a public service and has no commercial affiliation or sponsorship. vitamin, mineral, supplement, health, diet, nutrition, free, non-profit, foodsupplement, AMINO ACIDS, ENZYMES, BOTANICALS, BORON, CALCIUM CITRATE, CHROMIUM PICOLINATE, COPPER, GERMANIUM, IODINE, IRON, MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, MOLYBDENUM, NICKEL, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, SELENIUM, SILICON, SODIUM, SULFUR, VANADIUM, ZINC PICOLINATE, ACETYLCYSTEINE, ACIDOPHILUS, ADAPTOGENS, ALANINE, ALKYGLYCEROLS, ALLIUM SATIVUM, L-ARGININE, ASTRAGALUS, L-ASPARTIC ACID, BHT, BLUEBERRIES, CAPSICUM ANNUM, L-CARNITINE, CHOLINE, CINNAMON, COENZYME Q-10, COFFEE, CRANBERRY JUICE, CRATAEGUS OXYACANTHA, CURCUMIN, L-CYSTEINE, DHEA, DMAE, DIMETHYLGLYCINE (DMG), ECHINACEA, EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid,
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Carlson - Buy Carlson on discount prices at NutroVita. We believe that everyone can be fit, healthy and lean and can feel good about themselves. Weight loss can be accomplished with the proper education about nutrition and exercise and it can be assisted with our innovative dietary supplements that are both natural and safe.
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Independent Glyconutrient Information Resource Center
The website contains many glyconutrient articles, glyconutrient case studies, glyconutrient success stories, anecdotes and other glyconutrient information to help you determine whether it could be worth your while to add glyconutrients to your daily regime.