The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
Health, Mental Health, Organizations - The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. A multidisciplinary network of professionals committed to the advancement of intervention for survivors of trauma.
International Transactional Analysis Association
Health, Mental Health, Organizations - International Transactional Analysis Association. A scientific organization which facilitates international communication among people and groups who use transactional analysis.
Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy
Health, Mental Health, Organizations - Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy. Integrative Psychotherapy's guiding principle is that the decisions made and beliefs formed during one's formative years continue to shape and influence one's perceptions, feelings and behaviors throughout life.
Association for Birth Psychology
Health, Mental Health, Organizations - Association for Birth Psychology. The first organization of professionals interested in the psychological impact of pregnancy, birth, and the perinatal period on personality.
American Mental Health Counselors Association
Health, Mental Health, Organizations - American Mental Health Counselors Association. Enhances the profession of mental health counseling through advocacy, education and professional development.
Welcome to the American Counseling Association
Health, Mental Health, Organizations - American Counseling Association. The ACA promotes the counseling profession through work in advocacy, research and professional standards.
The National Coalition of Mental Health Professionals and Consumers, Inc.
Health, Mental Health, Organizations - The National Coalition Of Mental Health Professionals And Consumers, Inc.. Professionals, consumers, and consumer advocates working to address the negative impact of managed care on patients and professionals in mental health care.