American Society of Exercise Physiologists
Health, Fitness, Organizations - American Society of Exercise Physiologists. Certification (EPC), undergraduate academic accreditation, electronic research (JEPonline) and publications (PEPonline), licensure through state affiliates.
American College of Sports Medicine
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) is a professional society providing basic and applied exercise science conferences, meetings and workshops. Our members research and apply the science of human performance, movement and clinical sports medicine. ACSM Certification is for personal trainers working with healthy individuals, or health and fitness and clinical exercise specialists and professionals for special populations and patients under a doctor's care. Research grants and scholarships are available from the ACSM Foundation.
National Association for Health and Fitness
Health, Fitness, Organizations - National Association for Health and Fitness. A not-for-profit organization that exists to improve the quality of life of every individual in the United States through the promotion of physical fitness and healthy lifestyles and by fostering and supporting Councils for physical activity, health and sports.
National Institute for Fitness and Sport
Health, Fitness, Organizations - National Institute for Fitness and Sport. Non-profit organization committed to enhancing human health, physical fitness and athletic performance through research, education and service.