Cents of Style
Health, Beauty, Advice and Education - Cents of Style. Andy Paige's beauty and fashion consulting business.
Dress Me Now
Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Women of ALL Body Shapes!
Beauty Tips Online
Provides free beauty and makeup tips for every season. Includes fashion and fitness articles.
A Waist Is A Terrible Thing To Mind
Health, Beauty, Advice and Education - A Waist Is A Terrible Thing To Mind. A compilation of stories and poems by women exposing the devastating consequences of societies obsession with unnatural thinness, artificial beauty, and weight gain.
Look Good...Feel Better
Health, Beauty, Advice and Education - Look Good Feel Better. Help cancer patients with appearance.
Bottled Drinking Water Company
We’re living in a time when consumers are starting to really question the impact of what goes into their bodies. No matter how well you eat, if you aren’t drinking enough water you won’t be healthy. I’m always surprised by the people I meet who say they don’t drink much water. They live off soda, coffee or juice and they wonder why they never feel up to par.