Joanna Beth Seere is a telepathic animal communicator and spiritual Integrated Kabbalistic Healer who works with all species of animals.
Joanna Seere is a telepathic animal communicator and spiritual healer who works with all species of animals. She helps animals and their human family members share their joys in life and face life's challenges. Joanna's communication and healing work also helps people and their animal family members understand each other better and deepen their bond.
Shamanism, Animal Communicator: Carla Person
Health, Animal, Alternative Medicine, Vibrational Healing - Spirit Healer Carla Person. Animal communication and shamanic healing for pets, companion animals and people.
Adam Shereston
Horse Training Whispering Healing
Mary Debono Presents The SENSE Method
Health, Animal, Alternative Medicine, Vibrational Healing - SENSE. Based on the Feldenkrais Method for people, SENSE can improve animals' well-being, athletic performance, and behavior through the use of gentle, nonhabitual touch and movement.
IVAS - The International Veterinary Acupuncture Society
The International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting excellence in the practice of veterinary acupuncture as an integral part of the total veterinary health care delivery system.
Greenway Veterinary Acupuncture
Health, Animal, Alternative Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine - Greenway Veterinary Acupuncture. A complementary veterinary service providing professional acupuncture treatment for dogs, cats, and horses.