Reiki Classes is an exploration of the sacred nature of spiritual, hands on, and touchless healing, through Usui Reiki, Tibetan Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Infinite Light, and Color Energy. Learn how to turn your hands into hands of light.
Health, Alternative, Reiki, Practitioners and Teachers - A Universal Touch. Donna Brown, a master in the Tchen Li-Usui lineage, offers personal consultation in Winston-Salem.
Health, Alternative, Reiki, Practitioners and Teachers - Mariann Tilton. Reiki classes and free Reiki shares in the Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.
Health, Alternative, Reiki, Practitioners and Teachers - The Reiki Center of Greater Washington. Offers healing, courses for Usui levels one through three, and Karuna Reiki (tm) practitioner levels one, two, and Master.