Health, Alternative, Non-Toxic Living, Mercury and Amalgams - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Low Level Mercury Poisoning?. Jeff Clark's story on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and his cure.
Health, Alternative, Non-Toxic Living, Mercury and Amalgams - Melisa Medica Foundation. Accurate modern diagnostics using the Melisa Test detects undesirable health effects from dental metals and metal allergies.
Health, Alternative, Non-Toxic Living - Environmental Alternatives. Description of various environmentally sensitive options including chemical-free products, composting toilets, rainwater catchment, gray water treatment, fire combustors, and food supplements.
Health, Alternative, Non-Toxic Living - B Toxic Free. Presents lifestyle changes that can help reduce disease and illness by healthy eating habits and lowering the exposure to toxins.
Environmental health consultant, environmental counseling, and environmental health nursing by Peggy Wolff. Visit the Healthy People Healthy Places site to learn how to make your home and office more environmentally healthy, and to learn about some of the health risks and benefits that result from your environment.
Health, Alternative, Non-Toxic Living - Bio-D Company, Ltd.. Features household products that are free of animal by-products and approved by the Vegan Society.
Health, Alternative, Non-Toxic Living - Soleco Habitat Facility. Demonstrates construction methods that can minimize the depletion of the Earth's resources.