Rolfing Associates
Health, Alternative, Massage Therapy and Bodywork, Structural Integration - Rolfing Associates. Certified Advanced Rolfers Eva Jo Wu and Frank Wu in Roanoke, Charlottesville, and Northern Virginia.
NorthWest Rolfing - Kathy Porell, Certified Rolfer
Health, Alternative, Massage Therapy and Bodywork, Structural Integration - NorthWest Rolfing - Kathy Porell, Certified Rolfer. A private practice located in the Seattle, Washington area.
Anatomy Trains
Health, Alternative, Massage Therapy and Bodywork, Structural Integration - Kinesis. Information about Kinesis Myofascial Integration, trainings and courses offered, and a list of practitioners.
Guild for Structural Integration
What is the Ida P. Rolf Method of Structural Integration? Find a Guild affiliated structural integration practitioner in your area. Get information about the Guild's certification program and continuing education for structural integration practitioners.
Rolfing Training at The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration
Health, Alternative, Massage Therapy and Bodywork, Structural Integration - The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration. Information about Rolfing, training classes and workshops, research and media information on the subject, and a searchable database of practitioners.
Rey Allen, Certified Rolfer
Health, Alternative, Massage Therapy and Bodywork, Structural Integration - Rey Allen, Certified Rolfer. Practitioner in Ft Worth, Texas.