MKProjects Home of Vibrational Health and Flower, Gem and Tree Essences
Mary Kurus is a vibrational consultant dedicated to the well being ofeveryone. Through her dedication and constant intuitive connection she reportsaccurately on your state of vibrational health. A simple introductory experience with her work, called a Vibrational Assessment, will convince you that there is more to her work than meets the eye. In fact it goes right through you and stimulates your vibrations to bring the best of health to you and your soul.
Aromatherapy Essential Oils
Health, Alternative, Essences - Flower Essence Energy. Maggie Smith's email readings and custom flower essence formulations.
Delta Gardens Center for Flower Essences and Education
Flower essence therapy is an alternative medicine similar to homeopathy, used for stress relief, spiritual healing, spiritual growth and empowerment. It is a natural therapy using vibrational medicine.
Bergakungens Gem and Mineral Salves
Health, Alternative, Essences - Bergakungens Gem and Mineral Salves. Gem-salves, made with gem-powder and elixirs (essences) as described by Gurudas, and a full users-guide.