...::: Aura-Soma Website :::...
Health, Alternative, Color Therapies, Aura-Soma - Aura-Soma Corporate. UK-based site provides information on the theory and practice of color healing, product supplies, consultant and teacher lists.
chakra colour therapy
Health, Alternative, Color Therapies - chakra colour therapy. The way to a healthier life through the use of coloured light.
Colour Energy Education Systems
Colour Energy Education System--The only colour school system based on the seven levels of intelligence...Red-Body/Physical Intelligence, Orange-Social/Creative Intelligence, Yellow-Knowledge/Mental Intelligence, Green-Empathy/Feeling Intelligence, Blue-Communication/Leadership Intelligence, Indigo-Fantasy/Intuitive Intelligence, Violet-Visual/Spiritual Intelligence..
Healing with the Rainbow Rays
Health, Alternative, Color Therapies - Healing with the Rainbow Rays. Articles, book reviews and spiritual journeys.
Lightfield Systems
Health, Alternative, Color Therapies - Lightfield Systems. Color and sound therapies using the pulse reading technique of Dr.
Color Healing and Harmony
Health, Alternative, Color Therapies - Color Healing and Harmony. Ramon Lull has invluencend the sight of sience.
Color Therapy Center
Health, Alternative, Color Therapies - Color Therapy Center. Online Store and Database organized by color.