Learn Ayurveda
Health, Alternative, Ayurveda, Schools - Learn Ayurveda. Based in India.
Medicina Ayurveda - Pgina Principal
Health, Alternative, Ayurveda, Schools - Medicina Ayurveda. Information on the Posgraduate Course on Ayurvedic Medicine (Faculty of Medicine, Buenos Aires University).
International Academy Of Ayurved
Ayurved, the science of life, the traditional medical Science of India, is not a science artificially imposed upon living beings. Ayurved is based upon a deep communion with the spirit of life itself and a profound understanding of the movement of the life force and its different manifestations within our entire psychological system. Ayurved is a truly holistic medicine whose wealth we have just begun to explore in the Western world.
Star Homeopathy Homeopathy Treatment
Health, Alternative, Ayurveda, Schools - Star Homeopathy Homeopathy Treatment. Star homeopathic clinic is a super specialty homeopathic clinic founded by a group of highly qualified doctors with a vision to provide the best medical treatment in a scientific and modern way.
Vedic Care
Vedic Spiritualism, Vedic Religion, Indian Health Care, nature care, acupressure, ayurveda, reflexology, yoga, hypnosis, health foods, health topics, Vedic Vision, vedic living, vedic music, vedic products.