tales from the quit
tales from the quit is a collection of stories, essays, rambles, and rants written by a successful quitter. there's also a quit-smoking support community (in the form of a series of message boards) here; it's free to join, and it's open to anyone who's in the process of quitting (or who has successfully quit).
Quit4 Life
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Tobacco - Quit4 Life. Interactive web presentation explores how different people quit.
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Tobacco - FIND Help. The Foundation for Innovations in Nicotine Dependence (FIND).
Hypnotherapy New York
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Tobacco - Hypnotherapy New York. Hypnosis.
STOP Clinic North Carolina - stop smoking - lose weight
The STOP Clinic in Cary, NC helps thousands of people stop smoking and lose weight at the same time with a relaxing, electrical stimulation treatment. We also treat other addictions, such as alcohol and drugs.
Welcome to EndSmoking.org
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Tobacco - EndSmoking.org. An independent consortium of leaders in the treatment of tobacco dependence whose mission is to lower barriers to broader utilization of cessation therapy through education and advocacy.
Cognitive Quitting
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Tobacco - Cognitive Quitting. Based on the premise that, beyond the addiction, smoking is a habit driven by unconscious behaviors, and if those behaviors are changed, a lasting quit can be achieved.
Let It Pass - Gnikoms! - Quit Smoking Cigarettes - HomePage
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Tobacco - Let It Pass. Essays and graphics, often humorous or thought-provoking, on smoking and quitting aim at changing the way you think about cigarettes and help you to get rid of tobacco from your life.