Serenity Found
Online 12 Step Recovery Resourse
12 Step City
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Resources - 12 Step City. A community of serenity and recovery for persons in 12 step programs, or anyone affected by addiction or alcoholism.
Welsh Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Resources - Welsh Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs. A think tank promoting debate and policy initiatives in the field of substance misuse in Wales, UK.
Welcome to The Loyola Group
20 hours of short & specific audio talks, dealing with alcohol/drug recovery topics. A wonderful site for people in Recovery, or others beginning to explore their possible addiction problem, or families or loved ones wanting to know more about addiction and recovery. It is also a helpful site for anyone who just wants to learn more about how to live and enjoy life.
Addiction and Recovery Resources - World Wide Addiction
Addiction and recovery resource. Articles on alcoholism, drug abuse and substance dependence. Information on rehabilitation, detoxification and strategies. Suited to alcoholics, addicts, friends and those interested in the disease of addiction