L i f e T r e a t m e n t C e n t e r s
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Centers and Counseling Services - Life Treatment Centers. Help for drug and alcohol addictions.
Professional Consultations, Inc.
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Centers and Counseling Services - Professional Consultations, Inc.. Substance abuse and drug screenings and DUI evaluations.
Alpha Counseling Center
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Centers and Counseling Services - Alpha Counseling Center. Information about the services offered which include a complete DUI program, assessment, evaluation, remedial education, counseling/treatment, after care, and updates for administrative hearings.
Welcome to Tom Wilson Counseling Center
Tom Wilson Counseling Center assists individuals in overcoming harmful patterns of abuse by providing Alcohol & Drug Abuse, DUI, Anger Management and Defensive Driving Education Classes accepted by all courts.
Willingway Hospital 1-800-242-9455
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Centers and Counseling Services - Willingway Hospital. An alcohol and drug treatment facility located in Statesboro, Georgia.
Sedona Intensive: Discover Your Authentic Self
Alternative life coaching therapy from holistic personal growth & professional life coach. The Sedona Intensive is a certified life coaching seminar for personal development, addiction recovery etc. Self Help books & CDs available.