Spaw Counseling Services
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Centers and Counseling Services - Spaw Counseling Services. Outpatient treatment services for adults and adolescents for the treatment of drug, alcohol and mental health problems.
Los Olivos:Residential drug and alcohol treatment
The customised care that the team is able to offer extends from developing a tailored treatment programme to suit each individuals needs, right through their stay and into their aftercare, with personal attention being our main focus. In this way, we can ensure that our patients have the best possible chances of making a full recovery and of acquiring the necessary tools to ensure long-lasting health, happiness and success.
CRC Health Group - Experts in Behavioral Health and Addiction Treatment
CRC Health is the largest provider of specialized behavioral health care services in the U.S. Operating residential treatment facilities, outpatient clinics, boarding schools, outdoor wilderness camps, and a variety of other therapeutic programs, we are uniquely qualified to treat patients throughout the life cycle of their disorders, at every level of care.