Addiction Counselor
Academy for Addiction Professionals located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. You are about to make one of the best decisions of your career. The Academy for Addiction Professionals has been created to help you on your educational path, by offering a roadmap to becoming a certified addiction professional, certified addiction counselor, certified addiction specialist, certified behavioral health technician or to take online addiction CEU courses.
Your First Step
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse - Your First Step. Figuring out where to start and what your options are can be confusing.
CRC Health Group - Experts in Behavioral Health and Addiction Treatment
CRC Health is the largest provider of specialized behavioral health care services in the U.S. Operating residential treatment facilities, outpatient clinics, boarding schools, outdoor wilderness camps, and a variety of other therapeutic programs, we are uniquely qualified to treat patients throughout the life cycle of their disorders, at every level of care.
Long Island K-9 Service
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Alcohol and Drug Detection - Long Island K-9 Service. New York based agency offering narcotics detection services to schools and businesses.
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH UK)
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Tobacco - Action on Smoking and Health (ASH UK). Pressure group and registered UK charity, lobbying for a comprehensive national programme to tackle the epidemic of tobacco-related diseases.
SAVE: Empowering Survivors of Tobacco Sickness
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Tobacco - SAVE: Empowering Survivors of Tobacco Sickness. Trains survivors of tobacco-related illness to speak with children and teens in schools and community groups about smoking and the effects of tobacco products.
Moderation Management
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Treatment - Moderation Management. A recovery program and national support group network for people who have made the healthy decision to reduce their drinking and make other positive lifestyle changes.
CEDRO Centrum voor Drugsonderzoek
Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Drugs - CEDRO Centre for Drug Research. Combines epidemiological and longitudinal research on illicit drugs, addiction theory, and drug policy developments in Europe.