Devastators of Goldmoon
Entertainment, Games, Video Games, Roleplaying, Massive Multiplayer Online - Devastators of Goldmoon. Includes member list, item requirements and images for a 4th Coming guild on the Eacceleration server.
The Reincarnation Portal
The Reincarnation, a massive multiplayer online game that you can play for free
House Silvergate
Silvergate Inn, the best and largest working inn in Elanthia.
Lord Jerrec's Lair -- Home
Welcome to Lord Jerrec's Lair. A place with lots of information for roguish types, and of course, those looking in that direction. Not much in the way of statistical formulas and the like, but several guides geared toward lockpicking and other roguish matters.
Entertainment, Games, Video Games, Roleplaying, Massive Multiplayer Online - Delyorik Rolkien. Collection of quotes, stories, logs, and memories by Delyorik.
Library of Lady Darcena
A place to get information on Elanthia - part of GemStoneIII, Jennifer Beery - Real Life, and Darcena's Hall of Fame - GemStoneIII.
Virilneus' Gemstone III Site
Entertainment, Games, Video Games, Roleplaying, Massive Multiplayer Online - Virilneus' Gemstone III Site. Offers scripts, several guides, lore, and player rants.
Legends of Terris
Entertainment, Games, Video Games, Roleplaying, Massive Multiplayer Online - Legends of Terris. Official site, providing downloads of the game client, message board, maps, a library of resources and game help.