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Entertainment, Games, Video Games, Puzzle, Shareware - Bubble Lines. Logical game for people of all ages, it is a modern remake of the Lines game.
Gems 3D Puzzle Game for Windows
Entertainment, Games, Video Games, Puzzle, Shareware - Gems 3D Puzzle. Is a game of order, chance and organization, played in turns.
Entertainment, Games, Video Games, Puzzle, Shareware - PlanetFlux. Flux is an absolutely incredible puzzle game for Windows DirectX.
Griddlers Net - Logic Puzzles (Nonogram Picross)
Entertainment, Games, Video Games, Puzzle, Nonograms - Griddlers.net. Offers member-created puzzles ranging in complexity from two to eight colors for online play or to print out.
Logic Mazes
Entertainment, Games, Video Games, Puzzle, Mazes - Logic Mazes. Collection of unusual interactive mazes for play online.
Maze Programming
Entertainment, Games, Video Games, Puzzle, Mazes - Maze Programming. Maze programs written in C with available source.