Creatures bei Mummy's Creatures - Downloads, Tipps und Cheats zu Creatures 1/2/3 und Docking Station, dem Computerspiel ?ber virtuelles Leben und k?nstliche Intelligenz
Entertainment, Games, Video Games, Simulation, God Games - FreePop. An open source project which is reimplementing the classic game as represented in Populous 1 and 2.
Entertainment, Games, Video Games, Simulation, God Games - Mikerri's Christian Sims II. Walls, floors, artwork, and skins with a Judeo-Christian theme.
Ophelia's little page about the Sims - A page for sims of a dark artistic nature. Has a little of everything for the sims: objects, walls, skins, tutorials, etc. Also home of my artwork; absinthe, corsets, fairy fantasy art.