Computers, Systems, Commodore, Commodore 64 - Commodore Apocalypse. Colorful site with a C64 game cover and advertisement collection, game reviews, an Elite FAQ, and Compunet nostalgia.
GB64.COM is the home of The Gamebase Collection of C64 games. Over 15000 games in the online database, Sid Music, Articles and reviews, Forum and extensive links section. GameBase is THE C64 emulator frontend!
The source for all Your Commodore 64 Gaming needs. Here you will find all the C64 classics, plus a lot of rare games not available anywhere else on the internet. Lemon has more than 4000 games available.
Computers, Systems, Commodore, Commodore 64 - Dienstagstreff. German language site about a group of C64 enthusiasts, 20 years of C64, famous C64 uses in movies and on TV.