DeNova JExpress: Java Installer Builder
Computers, Software, System Management, Installers - JExpress. Create international, cross platform installers and updaters for your applications, applets, and servlets.
Enterprise Management Associates
Computers, Software, System Management - Enterprise Management Associates. Information about enterprise management (including network management, systems management, and service level management) and Enterprise Management Associates.
Hitachi ID Password Manager: Password Synchronization and Reset
Hitachi ID Password Manager is a password management software solution that supports synchronization and self-service reset of user passwords on over 70 kinds of systems. It creates value for organizations by reducing help desk call volume (eliminating password-related calls), by strengthening password security and by eliminating the nuisance of too many passwords for users.
SuperVision Enterprise Management Suite
This software supplies the ability to identify, evaluate, resolve and automate any task, event or response on virtually every mainframe and midrange platform in a data center, including MVS, VW, VSE, TPF, UNIX, AS/400, NT, S/390 and HMC. SuperVision facilitates comprehensive control of system-wide data center functions from a central management location. This software provides data center managers the capability to monitor and respond to every system in their enterprise. It also offers the flexibility to create and employ customized, intelligent automation scripts, which provide precise and reliable automation of any task or event. This enterprise management suite includes the following easy-to-install and simple-to-use modules, automation, console consolidation, operator history, secure alert monitor, secure remote access.
ICS: Intelligent Communication Software - IT Service Management
ICS is IT Service Management System Integration Compliant with ITIL in the area of: Enterprises Management, IT Services Management, End-To-End Management, IT Infrastructures Management, IT Systems Management, IT Services Delivery Management, IT Services Support Management