DocVizor allows developers to quickly visualize and document the class structure of C++ code by generating a color-keyed diagram of a project's class hierarchy.
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Data acquisition with UltimaSerial
UltimaSerial offers inexpensive data acquisition projects, teaches how to use activex control to perform data acquisition under Excel, VisualBASIC, VB, Delphi, LabView, Matlab, LabView , TestPoint, Borland C++, Visio, VEE, Visual C++ and MATLAB
MJ Freelancing - C++ Builder Tools and Software solutions
Computers, Software, Shareware, Windows - MJ Freelancing. MJFSecurity Professional includes two non visual components to turn C++ Builder projects into shareware programs or other secure applications designed for commercial usage.
MultiMedia Soft
Computers, Software, Shareware, Windows - MultiMedia Soft. Main activity is the development of multimedia oriented software components (mainly ActiveX controls) for Windows 95/98/2000/NT 4.
Help and Manual
Computers, Software, Shareware, Windows - Help and Manual. A WYSIWYG Windows help-authoring tool that can also be used to print professional-looking manuals and create HTML pages.
Business Process Automation Software - Automate IT - Network Automation
Automation software that helps organizations streamline processes, workflows, IT, data flows, and operations across their networks. AutoMate BPA Server is used to automate FTP / SFTP, file operations, backup; automatic SQL; automatic XML / automated web services; Active Directory automation; telnet; elimination of scripting; PGP encryption; automating Excel; automatic system management; WMI; SNMP; email POP3 / SMNP; and advanced macros.