Xi Graphics,Inc. Home Page
Summit v2.x Product Line of Linux/UNIX graphics drivers that can be downloaded in demo form. Order license keys to deactivate demo timer. Summit supports ATI, Intel, 3Dlabs, Matrox, Trident, Silicon Motion, SiS, VIA, S3-VIA, ServerWorks, Colorgraphic, Appian, Datapath, Anchor, NeoMagic and Cirrus cards/chips, plus laptops from IBM, Toshiba, Dell, Sony, Gateway, Compaq, Fujitsu and Panasonic and more. nVidia does not let us develop drivers for nvidia chips/cards. COTS graphics drivers for Solaris and Linux. COTS mobil graphics drivers for Solaris and Linux used by U S Army, Navy. Multi-head graphics drivers for Linux and Solaris. OpenGL Multi-head drivers.