Computers, Software, Internet, Servers - JXplorer - Open Source LDAP browser. An open source, internationalized java LDAP Browser with an extensible architecture.
Computers, Software, Internet, Servers - symLABS DirectoryScript. Presents DirectoryScript, the directory productivity language and DS Proxy, a high performance UNIX-based LDAP proxy.
Computers, Software, Internet, Servers - Softerra LDAP Administrator /Browser. A premier Windows Explorer-like LDAP Directory client available for Win32 platforms, which allows to view, edit and navigate through LDAP directories.
Computers, Software, Internet, Servers - Atlantic Media's AboutFace. employee directory products help consolidate disparate employee data information into one resource.
Computers, Software, Internet, Servers - MaXware Enterprise Meta Solution. An enterprise-wide, vendor-independent solution that enables large end-user organizations and service providers to access, manage and maintain mission-critical data that is stored in different data repositories.
Computers, Software, Internet, Servers - Hubbub Instant Messenger Presence Application. Hubbub is an Instant Messenger that makes use of various song snippets to give you an awareness of your friends and colleagues.