Computers, Software, Databases, Pick - Rose Tuck, LLC. Offers project management, application development and technical consulting for Datatel administrative information systems.
Computers, Software, Databases, Pick - Keystone Information Systems, Inc. Offers systems with Financial, Human Resource and Student Administration software for public school districts.
Computers, Software, Databases, Pick - Logitek Systems. Provides PowerComm, a native Pick-to-Pick communications software for Raining Data databases, which also includes protocols for foreign host connectivity.
Computers, Software, Databases, Pick - Computronics. Offers PEEK, Logmon, ZIP and other system administrator utilities for UNIX and Prime PRIMOS systems.
Computers, Software, Databases, Pick - National Software Systems. Offers custom software application development using Microsoft and Revelation Software products, hardware integration, networking services, consulting and customer support.