Nogginware Corporation - Home Page
Nogginware is software company that develops and delivers nogginware (i.e., software conceived from a person's head) to its customers. We invented the term nogginware to describe software that is not only well conceived but offers outstanding performance and durability over time. We pride ourselves on delivering products and services that are well architected and implemented to provide the ultimate degree of customer satisfaction.
Computers, Software, Databases, Middleware - Beanstalk. Structured relational engine utilzing XML for multidatabase queries.
Provides implementation services for CONNX ODBC, OLE DB, and JDBC access to data sources.
Computers, Software, Databases, Middleware - Generix Limited. Provides implementation services for CONNX ODBC, OLE DB, and JDBC access to data sources.
Panther is a middleware development tool.
Computers, Software, Databases, Middleware - Prolifics. Panther is a middleware development tool.
Simba Technologies - ODBC Drivers, JDBC Drivers, ODBO Providers and XMLA Providers
Computers, Software, Databases, Middleware - Simba Technologies Inc.. Data access and toolkits for developing OLE DB for OLAP providers and MDX engine support.
LinkEase ODBC Driver for DataEase
Computers, Software, Databases, Middleware - LinkEase. ODBC driver for DataEase databases.
OpenLink Software
Computers, Software, Databases, Middleware - OpenLink Software. OpenLink Software - Industry leading provider of High-Performance Drivers for ODBC, JDBC, and OLE DB.
Welcome to StarQuest Ventures Web Site
Computers, Software, Databases, Middleware - StarQuest Software, Inc.. Offers access to IBM databases from desktop applications running in Windows and UNIX environments.
CONNX - Simplified Data Access Via ODBC, JDBC, OLEDB to Enterprise Data Sources
Computers, Software, Databases, Middleware - CONNX Solutions, Inc.. Provides secure real-time read/write ODBC, OLEDB, and JDBC access to RMS, VSAM, CISAM, Rdb, Codasyl DBMS, Dataflex, PowerFlex, SQL Server, Informix, Access, text files and Sybase data.
Velara Software
Computers, Software, Databases, Middleware - Velara Software. Provides instant alerting tools and services for enterprise databases.
ODBC, JDBC and XML Driver Downloads for Windows, Unix, Linux and Mac OS X
Computers, Software, Databases, Middleware - Easysoft. Easysoft are an independent software vendor specializing in the development of Universal Data Access (ODBC, OLE DB & JDBC) tools to access legacy databases, these include RMS files on Digital OpenVMS and ISAM files on Unix servers.