6th International Conference MLDM, July 23-25, 2009
The 6th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition - MLDM 2009 in Leipzig/Germany is to bring together researchers from all over the world who deal with machine learning and data mining in order to discuss the recent status of the research and to direct further developments. Basic research papers as well as application papers are welcome.
DataMineIt - When You Need to Know
DataMineIt is a respected and experienced technical consultancy providing statistical data mining, econometric analysis, and data warehousing services of the highest quality to industry, consulting, and research.
Computers, Software, Databases, Data Mining - Elseware. Elseware is an engineering company specialised in data mining.
APower Solutions
Computers, Software, Databases, Data Mining - APower Solutions. A strategic business consultancy providing data mining and technology-based solutions to global companies and small businesses.
Mobile Software - Homepage
Computers, Software, Databases, Data Mining - Mobile Software, Inc.. Online analytical processing and business intelligence systems.
Data Mining - Home Page - The Data Mine Wiki
Computers, Software, Databases, Data Mining - The Data Mine. Launched in April 1994 to provide information about Data Mining (AKA Knowledge Discovery In Databases or KDD).
ECML/PKDD 2004 Conference - Pisa, Italy
Computers, Software, Databases, Data Mining - ECML/PKDD 2004. The 15th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML) and the 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD) will be co-located in Pisa, Italy, September 20-24, 2004.
UCI Knowledge Discovery in Databases Archive
Computers, Software, Databases, Data Mining - UCI Knowledge Discovery in Databases Archive. An online repository of large datasets which encompasses a wide variety of data types, analysis tasks, and application areas.