Computers, Software, Configuration Management, Tools - SnapshotCM. Version control system with graphical release management and full attribute versioning (commercial).
Computers, Software, Configuration Management, Tools - FtpVC. (FTP Version Control): a special FTP client designed to provide version control with a standard FTP server.
Computers, Software, Configuration Management, Tools - PRCS. The Project Revision Control System is a front end to a set of tools that provide a way to deal with sets of files and directories as an entity, preserving coherent versions of the entire set.
Change management and configuration management software specialists, Intasoft. Developers of AllChange, the comprehensive change and configuration management software system with version control and IntaChange, the 100% web based change management software.
Computers, Software, Configuration Management, Tools - cvsknit - A CVS automation suite. CvsKnit is a CVS automation suite to knit up various CVS repositories from existing source packages.
Computers, Software, Configuration Management, Tools - CVS Access Control List Extension. CVSACL provides advanced ACLs per modules, directories, and files on branch/tag for remote cvs repository connections.
Computers, Software, Configuration Management, Tools - WinCvs. A Windows front-end for CVS written in C++ and distributed as free software under GNU General Public License (GPL).