The B9 Robot Builders Club
Computers, Robotics, Organizations - B9 Robot Builders Club. An online club whose members are dedicated to building replicas of the B9 robot from the Lost in Space TV show.
Brisbane Robotics SIG
Computers, Robotics, Organizations - Brisbane Robotics SIG. Based in Brisbane, Australia.
Nashua Robot Builders
Computers, Robotics, Organizations - Nashua Robot Builders. NRB is based in Nashua, New Hampshire, United States and holds monthly meetings.
LoganBot - Robot Building Tips
Computers, Robotics, Organizations - Lenox High Bot Club. Based in Lenox, Massachusetts, United States.
Seattle Robotics Society
Computers, Robotics, Organizations - Seattle Robotics Society. Founded in 1982, the SRS is one of the oldest and largest robotics groups in the world.