SpecTcl Home Page
Computers, Programming, Languages, Tcl-Tk - SpecTcl. A free WYSIWYG GUI-builder - convenient for making widget layout or constructing menus.
The Visual Tcl Project
Computers, Programming, Languages, Tcl-Tk - The Visual Tcl Project. Freely available application development environment for any platform Tcl/TK runs on.
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Computers, Programming, Languages, Tcl-Tk - tkBuilder. Tool designed to facilitate the construction and testing of interfaces using Tcl/Tk.
SnackAmp Music Player
Computers, Programming, Languages, Tcl-Tk - SnackAmp. A multi-platform Tcl/Tk music player and jukebox for mp3, wav and ogg vorbis files.
Tcl/Tk SourceForge Project
Computers, Programming, Languages, Tcl-Tk - Tcl/Tk SourceForge Project. The core development home for Tcl and the Tk toolkit.
Avia Training and Consulting
Computers, Programming, Languages, Tcl-Tk - Avia Training and Consulting. Provides services for the Tcl programming language and extensions such as Tk and Expect.
Tcl Developer Xchange
Computers, Programming, Languages, Tcl-Tk - Tcl Developer Xchange. Was Scriptics.
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Computers, Programming, Languages, Tcl-Tk - The Entropy Liberation Front. Providing a collection of Tcl/Tk plugins and sources as well as links to other resources.
Computers, Programming, Languages, Tcl-Tk - Ttclreadline. Makes the GNU readline library available for interactive tcl shells, including history expansion and file/command completion.
Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
Computers, Programming, Languages, Tcl-Tk - Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator. A tool that easily allows a developer to wrap C/C++ functions for use with Tcl.
Tix Widget Set for Tcl and Python
Computers, Programming, Languages, Tcl-Tk - Tix Widget Set for Tcl and Python. Tk Interface eXtension, a set of user interface components that expand the capabilities of Tcl/Tk and Python applications.