YaTeX - Yet Another TeX mode for Emacs
Computers, Programming, Languages, Lisp - YaTeX - Yet Another TeX mode for Emacs. A package that supports composing LaTeX source on Emacs/Mule/XEmacs.
The Official Page of Mew
Computers, Programming, Languages, Lisp - Mew. An acronym of Messaging in the Emacs World.
Mailcrypt: An Emacs/PGP Interface
Computers, Programming, Languages, Lisp - Mailcrypt: An Emacs/PGP Interface. Encrypt/decrypt mail with PGP 5.
Gnus Newsreader Homepage
Computers, Programming, Languages, Lisp - Gnus Newsreader Homepage. An acronym for Gnus Network User Services, a news and mail reader with threading, ratings, self documentation.
X-Symbol for WYSIWYG in Emacs
Overview of X-Symbol, an Emacs package providing some semi-WYSIWYG in the LaTeX or HTML source.
Session Management for Emacs
Computers, Programming, Languages, Lisp - Session. A package to save various variables and registers which reflect your current editing state to a file which is loaded into your next session.
Lookup - a Search Interface
Computers, Programming, Languages, Lisp - Lookup. Search interface to access dictionaries online from within Emacs.
The Common Lisp Cookbook
Computers, Programming, Languages, Lisp - The Common Lisp Cookbook. A collaborative project that aims to provide for Common Lisp something similar to the Perl Cookbook published by O'Reilly.