Computers, Programming, Games, Personal Pages - Wagner, Max. Projects, demos, source code, and tutorials demonstrating techniques and algorithms used in real-time physics-based games and simulations.
Computers, Programming, Games, Personal Pages - Strawn, Devon - Devon Strawn's Art of Code. Notes on computational geometry, graphics algorithms, and mathematics of graphics and game programming.
This site details information on DirectX and developing games in DirectX with Visual Basic and Visual C++ 6. This site also has information on the sale and repair of video games and pinballs. This site also talks about a project I'm working on called the Palomino project. It also includes detailed information on how to create demos and a journal of the creation of a video game. There is also information on Truespace and 3D Max here.
EZ2D is an easy to use, game engine targeted for new game developers. Of course as its title implies, it uses 2 dimensional graphics. It uses SDL as its main API (sorry DirectX users), but very little knowledge of SDL is actually required.