ACSL Programming contest computer contest
Computers, Programming, Contests, High School - American Computer Science League. ACSL organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for junior and senior high school students.
IOI - International Olympics in Informatics
Computers, Programming, Contests, High School - IOI - International Olympics in Informatics. An official site describing the history of the contest, official regulations, future locations and members in many countries of the world.
ACM Southern California Programming Contest
Computers, Programming, Contests, ACM - ACM Southern California Programming Contest. Southern California regional contest of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest.
ACM Northeastern European Programming Contest
Computers, Programming, Contests, ACM - ACM Northeastern European Programming Contest. Northeastern European regionals of the ACM International Programming Contest.
OpenECG Programming Contest
Computers, Programming, Contests - OpenECG Programming Contest. A programming contest for Electrocardiography record handling applications and tools, using the SCP-ECG Standard.