Main Page - Tom
Computers, Programming, Compilers, Transformation Tools - Tom. A Pattern matching transformation system.
Trimaran Homepage
Computers, Programming, Compilers, Transformation Tools - Trimaran. An integrated compilation and performance monitoring infrastructure, facilitating compiler-optimization research and involves a collaborative effort by Hewlett Packard, University of Illinois and New York University.
Spirit C++ Parser Framework
Computers, Programming, Compilers, Lexer and Parser Generators - Spirit C++ Parser Framework. An object oriented recursive descent parser generator framework implemented using template meta-programming techniques.
CppCC (C++ Compiler Compiler)
Computers, Programming, Compilers, Lexer and Parser Generators - CppCC (C++ Compiler Compiler). a scanner+LL(k = 1.
TextTransformer is a worldwide unique text processing tool
GCC & GNU Toolchain Developers' Summit
Computers, Programming, Compilers, GNU Compiler Collection - GCC GNU Toolchain Developers' Summit. Brings together the core development team of the GNU Compiler Collection with those working on the other toolchain components to discuss the state of the art.
PL/I for GCC
Computers, Programming, Compilers, GNU Compiler Collection - PL/1 for GCC. A PL/1 front-end for GNU Compiler Collection.
mspgcc - GCC toolchain for MSP430
Computers, Programming, Compilers, Cross Compilers - GCC Toolchain for MSP430. Port freeware GNU tools to msp430 architecture.
WinAVR : AVR-GCC for Windows
Computers, Programming, Compilers, Cross Compilers - WinAVR. A suite of executable, open source software development tools for the Atmel AVR series of RISC microprocessors hosted on the Windows platform.
ANTLR Parser Generator
ANTLR: ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS) is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing Java, C#, C++, or Python actions.