Computers, Multimedia, Software, Macromedia Director - Inludo. Online game development company specialised in Macromedia Director, with a strong emphasis on 3D games.
Computers, Multimedia, Software, Macromedia Director - Play design. Lingo experiments by Ken Chan, a Director Lingo and Flash Actionscript programmer and designer.
Computers, Multimedia, Software, Macromedia Director - Lingoworkshop. Shockwave demos (many with source code), articles, Director utilities and tutorials.
Computers, Multimedia, Software, Macromedia Director - Animation Math in Lingo. Guide to animation programming with Lingo, covering the fundamentals of animation math and programming techniques.
Computers, Multimedia, Software, Macromedia Director - Scirius Development. Free and commercial cross platform Xtras for Macromedia Director to control the mouse, functions to get information related to the date and time, return the state of the Caps Lock key, allow Lingo to export animations to QuickTime movies, and to record audio from any Quicktime compatible sound input device.
Computers, Multimedia, Software, Macromedia Director - OpenSpark. Xtra to provide user interface components including buttons, menus, sliders, progress bars, spin and tab controls.
Xtras for Macromedia Director. VbScriptXtra - COM Automation in Lingo. Full control over Microsoft Office and other software. ADOxtra - MS Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle, ODBC compliant databases locally, over LAN, over Internet from Macromedia Director, projector, Shockwave.