Computers, Internet, Proxying and Filtering, Products and Tools - The Measurement Factory. Performance and standards compliance testing tools for proxies.
STRATACACHE is a solution-focused corporation that provides both multi-platform software appliancebased technology designed to empower the delivery of key applications within the distributed Wide Area Network or Internet/Intranet powered enterprise.
Computers, Internet, Proxying and Filtering, Products and Tools - LogiSense Corporation. Offers hardware and software proxy solutions for web caching, content filtering and bandwidth management.
Computers, Internet, Proxying and Filtering, Content Filtering - FilterProxy. An HTML-rewriting proxy with Web-forms based configuration and modules for XSLT, GIF deanimation, and compression.
Computers, Internet, Proxying and Filtering, Caching - IR Cache. Project to provide operational hierarchical caching services for organizations and individuals, and to promote their use.