Lightyear Consulting
Computers, Hardware, Systems, IBM - Lightyear Consulting. Provides product specific expertise on z/OS, DB2, CICS, IMS and WebSphere, as well as customized software development for mission-critical applications.
Do more with your MIPS
DataKineticsT , the leader in critical information systemsoptimization, enables data centers within IBM zSeries Mainframe(z/OS) environments to achieve superior performance gains,capacity, and scale using existing applications and hardware.DataKinetics delivers distinct competitive advantage to globalFortune 500 companies to keep them a step ahead of thecompetition. For 30 years DataKinetics products have beenenhancing hundreds of thousands of mission-critical transactionsper second every day for banking, insurance, credit card,brokerage house, and retail industries without fail.
ACTS Corporation -
ACTS Corporation has been in business for over 25 years in the computer industry. We offer a wide variety of services from large systems to the personal computer. We also offer our Survey, Testing, and Voting software to business and schools spanning the globe.
Mainframe Outsourcing Home
Computers, Hardware, Systems, IBM - Alicomp. Mainframe (z/OS, z/VM, VSE/ESA and zLinux) and open systems data center outsourcing services, including disaster recovery and business continuity with an emphasis on hospital and insurance organizations.
Xephon USA
Computers, Hardware, Systems, IBM - Xephon. A technical and market research organization focused on the computing needs of organizations with IBM mainframes.
Anura Guruge: Overview
Computers, Hardware, Systems, IBM - Anura Guruge: Mr. SNA. Guruge's views on the IBM world, XML Web services, grids and autonomic computing.
Welcome to Visara International
Computers, Hardware, Systems, IBM - Visara International. Provides SNA, 3270, 5250 and LAN/WAN integration products: displays, printers and controllers, including communication servers and console concentrators.
IBM - United States
Computers, Hardware, Systems, IBM - IBM Corporation. Website for International Business Machines.
New and Refurbished IT Hardware Solutions
Computers, Hardware, Systems, IBM - Atlantix Global Systems. International reseller of new and used IBM AS/400 and RS/6000 equipment and peripherals.