Mini vMac - a miniature Macintosh emulator
Computers, Emulators, Apple, Macintosh - Mini vMac. A spin off of the vMac project that aims to create a simplified version of the Mac Plus emulator.
Computers, Emulators, Apple, Macintosh - Macintroid. Covers freeware/open source emulators and applications, as well as information pertaining to their use.
Mac Emulation [E-Maculation]
(site updated June 1, 2009) Welcome E-Maculation is a wiki dedicated to emulation of the Macintosh computer in Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. This is possible through the use of emulators such as SheepShaver, Basilisk II, Mini vMac and PearPC. This wiki is semi-closed: if you want to edit it, you need to register and then send me an e-mail to ask for permission.