XML Query Engine
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - XML Query Engine. Full-text search engine component for XML.
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - SAX. Official website for SAX, the Simple API for XML, project resources include archived mailing lists, SAX evolution and a download area.
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - X-Smiles.org. Browser that features an implementation of SMIL 2.
Envox Worldwide, A Leading Provider of Voice Solutions
Envox is dedicated to reducing the time, cost, and complexity of developing and deploying unified communications. From interactive voice response software to VoIP solutions, we provide and help you get the most out of your communications landscape.
XML and Technical Writing Training
Professional, university-certified online courses and training for future technical writers, web designers and programmers in technical writing, graphic design, user interface design, and XML programming