Computers, Data Formats, Graphics, 3D - Xj3D Project. A project of the Web3D Consortium focussed on creating a toolkit for VRML97 and X3D content written completely in Java.
Bitmanagement Software offers interactive and realtime 3D software, its documentation and support/development. The multimedialsoftware for 2D/ 3D, audio and video performs the visualization in your software- and/ or hardware related concept or product, based on ISO-Standards VRML, X3D and MPEG-4.
Computers, Data Formats, Graphics, 3D - Cybertown World Builder's Guild. Offers tutorials and tools for VRML with a gallery of objects, and FAQs for Cybertown.
The Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) is a file format for describing interactive 3D objects and worlds with sound, movies, text and textures. This site brings new VRML97 content to the web and shows you the power of VRML. If you are interested in learningVRML you can check out my growing collection of VRML97 examples