XML.ORG: The XML Industry Portal
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - XML.ORG: The XML Industry Portal. News, education, and information about the application in industrial and commercial settings.
XML Design Patterns
XMLPatterns.com - Designing Good XML Structure with Patterns.
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - finetuning.com. An developer site of tools, resources, and general information.
OptimTalk - VoiceXML Platform
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - OptimTalk - VoiceXML Platform. The successor of the open-source Elvira open-source VXML implementation.
Idylic - Phonic Telecom
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - Idylic - Phonic Telecom. VXML and CCXML implementations running on Windows.
Small Business VOIP Hosted PBX - Vocalocity is the #1 Choice
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - Vocalocity AppCenter. Vocalocity AppCenter is an integrated development environment that includes a GUI-based drag and drop application builder and a management server that provides versioning, reporting, and dynamic code generation.
howwierd xml files
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - HowWierd XML Files. Collection of sample XML documents using XSL and a DTD, plus a resource links.
XML Query Engine
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - XML Query Engine. Full-text search engine component for XML.