XML Rsum Library:: Welcome
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - XML Resume Library. XML DTD and XSL stylesheets for the interchange and web and print presentation of resumes and curricula vitae.
XML Validation: XML Validation
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - XML Validation. Web-based XML validator that produces easy to read error messages and asks for missing files (e.
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - Examplotron. The purpose of examplotron is to use instance documents as a lightweight schema language-- eventually adding the information needed to guide a validator in the sample documents.
James Clark's Home Page
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - Clark, James. Author of XSLT Working Draft, expat SGML/XML C++ parser, and XP/XT Java classes for XML/XSL parsing.
i4i, Inc.
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - i4i. Supplies real-time XML and SGML editing in Word.
Schnabel, Bryan - Utilities
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - Schnabel, Bryan - Utilities. A couple of online utilities for converting XML and DTDs to XSL.
4Suite and 4Suite Server
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - 4Suite and 4Suite Server. A collection of Python tools for XML processing and object management.
xsldbg a XSL debugger/inspector
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - Xsl Debugger. A text based tool to debug stylesheets and it is similar to the Unix/Linux debugger gdb.
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - XSLTunit. The purpose of XSLTunit is to provide a unit testing framework for XSLT transformations similar to the *unit environments available for other languages (i.
SourceForge: Welcome
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - MDC-XSL. XSLT processor written in C++ [Open source, GPL].
xCBL - XML Common Business Library
Computers, Data Formats, Markup Languages, XML - xCBL - XML Common Business Library. A set of XML building blocks and a document framework that allows the creation of robust, reusable, XML documents to facilitate global trading, using SOX, XDR, and DTDs.