Segway Communications
Enterprises Class Voicemail, Virtual Phone System, Virtual Phone Systems, Hosted PBX.
Computers, Data Communications, Unified Messaging, Services - VoiceNation. Offers services for voice mail, auto attendant, and unified messaging solutions throughout the United States.
Business and consumer mailing, fax, voice and telemarketing services.
A telecommunications service bureau offering Broadcast Faxing, Broadcast E-mail, Voice Broadcasting, conference, conference call, audio conference, Database Services, Fax-On-Demand, Conference Calls, International Callback, Discount Long Distance Service, World Wide Web Services, International Call Forwarding and more.
Earnware Corporation
Earnware Delivers the Best Web Services for Growing Your Business
Provides unified messaging services throughout the United Kingdom.
Get low cost 0800, 0845, 0207, 0870 and 0871 Business Numbers or a Personal Phone Number absolutely Free ! All numbers come with a powerful virtual switchboard facility and unified messaging, when someone calls you the system will hunt all of your phones until it finds you, unanswered calls are diverted to your personal voicemail and retrieved by email or phone. You can also have a separate fax number and get faxes delivered to you by email. An optional live telephone answering service is also available.
Digital Mail: Innovation in telecommunication
Computers, Data Communications, Unified Messaging, Services - Digital Mail. Offers communication services throughout the United Kingdom that are also available for resale through an affiliate program.