LORIA - Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications
Computers, Computer Science, Research Institutes - LORIA - Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications. Boasting more than 150 researchers and around a hundred postgraduates, LORIA carries out its research along two broad themes: theories and techniques of software production (supplying methods, languages and tools which ensure the development and maintenance of dependable, efficient software), human/machine communication and artificial intelligence (the definition of new models leading to an increase in the ability of computers to reason and communicate with humans, and the testing of them in realistic environments).
Center for Scientific Computing
Computers, Computer Science, Research Institutes - Center for Scientific Computing. Facility in Espoo, Finland.
IBM Almaden Research Center
Computers, Computer Science, Research Institutes - IBM Almaden Research Center. Projects in software and hardware for data storage, scientific and technical applications and materials technology, based in San Jose, CA.
NIST Information Technology Laboratory
Computers, Computer Science, Research Institutes - NIST Information Technology Laboratory. Describes programs and projects at the NIST Information Technology Laboratory, which supports the information technology industry with measurements, standards, and research.
Computers, Computer Science, Research Institutes - BRICS. Basic Research in Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra - ORCCA
Computers, Computer Science, Research Institutes - Ontario Research Center for Computer Algebra. Researchers at ORCCA study algorithms and software systems for symbolic mathematical computation.
OFFIS Research Institute
Computers, Computer Science, Research Institutes - OFFIS Research Institute. Oldenberg, Germany.
Minnesota Supercomputing Institute -
Computers, Computer Science, Research Institutes - Supercomputing Institute. Provides supercomputing resources to the University of Minnesota.
Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research
Computers, Computer Science, Research Institutes - Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research. Provides high-performance computing support to the state-supported institutions of higher learning in Mississippi and the University of Mississippi Medical Center.