Ingenta Home
Computers, Computer Science, Publications, Commercial Services - Ingenta. On-line articles from 4500 journals in all fields and abstracts from 20,000 journals.
Welcome Association for Computing Machinery
Computers, Computer Science, Organizations, ACM - Association for Computing Machinery. International scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of information technology.
University of Louisville Student Chapter
Computers, Computer Science, Organizations, ACM - University of Louisville Student Chapter. Includes mailing lists, student user groups as well as group information.
Computers, Computer Science, Theoretical, Research Groups - ACM SIGACT. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory.
SIGMETRICS: Measurement and Evaluation
Computers, Computer Science, Organizations, ACM - SIGMETRICS: Measurement and Evaluation. Promotes research in performance analysis and the use of known methods.
SIGGRAPH: Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
Computers, Computer Science, Organizations, ACM - SIGGRAPH: Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. Dedicated to the generation and dissemination of information on computer graphics and interactive techniques.
Advanced Computing for Science
Computers, Computer Science, Distributed Computing, Research Groups - Distributed Systems Department. The Distributed Systems Department seeks to allow scientists to address complex and large-scale computing and data analysis problems beyond what is possible today.
Network Computing Laboratory at Columbia University
Computers, Computer Science, Distributed Computing, Research Groups - Columbia University Network Computing Laboratory. Research in experimental software systems to make personalized computing ubiquitously available, anytime and anywhere.
MTA SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems
Computers, Computer Science, Distributed Computing, Research Groups - MTA SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems. Computer and Automation Research Institute Research and consultation focusing on parallel and distributed software engineering.
Caltech Parallel and Distributed Computing Group
Computers, Computer Science, Distributed Computing, Research Groups - Caltech Parallel and Distributed Computing Group. Research group at California Institute of Technology.